Lawncare 101:


Lawn care may be on the downswing, but pansies are just starting!  Don’t you just love pansies?  What other flower can you plant when everything else is dying?  What other flower really gets going...

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Pruning in Fall

Pruning in Fall

Prepare to Overseed your Fescue Fescue’s growing season starts now.  In Tulsa, our weather is really too hot for fescue, which is why we grow it in the shade, where it remains cooler.  But since...

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Pruning Hydrangeas

Pruning Hydrangeas

SCALP YOUR LAWNThe best way to give your bermuda lawn a jump start this spring is to scalp it!  Simply lower your mower to its lowest setting, mow the lawn and pick up all the clippings.  Scalping...

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Pruning Azaleas

Pruning Azaleas

SCALP YOUR LAWN The best way to give your bermuda lawn a jump start this spring is to scalp it!  Simply lower your mower to its lowest setting, mow the lawn and pick up all the clippings.  Scalping...

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