Prepare to Overseed your Fescue

Fescue’s growing season starts now.  In Tulsa, our weather is really too hot for fescue, which is why we grow it in the shade, where it remains cooler.  But since it’s too hot, we lose some of our fescue every year, so we need to reseed it each fall to keep it looking full and lush.  The best time for seeding fescue is mid-September to mid-October. 

 Fescue likes full sun in cooler climates.  So when the leaves begin to fall off the trees here, the fescue soaks up a lot of sun in order to create carbohydrate stores for next summer when it won’t get any sun because the leaves will be back on the trees.


For the full fescue story, and how to seed or reseed it, please see our fescue page here

If you don’t want to fool with all that, give us a call for a free estimate or request one online and consider letting us overseed your fescue for you.  Just remember that whether you seed yourself or have someone else do it, it will be up to you to keep it moist so it will germinate, and continue to keep it moist so the young seedlings don’t die.

Be Careful What You Prune Right Now.

You ESPECIALLY do not want to prune spring-bloomers like hydrangea or azaleas.  If you do, you will have very few flowers in the spring.  Most spring bloomers get flowers on last year’s wood.  Thus, it is best to prune them in the spring, after your blooms have faded.

Remember to Water When You Can, In the Absence of Rain.

Your landscape needs water year round.  Luckily, we’ve had some good precipitation lately, but when we don’t, be sure to give your lawn and landscape a drink.

We are now going to implant a subliminal message in your brain that will pop up every time you sit down to watch a football game.  You will wonder>>>>>>>>Do I have enough time to make nachos?  Has my lawn gotten enough water this week?

If you ever have any questions about your lawn, feel free to give us a call at 918-344-5737 or shoot us an email here.

As always, we appreciate your business!