
Spring is officially here, and it’s time to scalp your bermuda lawn!

All bermuda grass lawns should be scalped each year in the spring

after all chance of frost has past.  (The average last freeze in Tulsa is March 29…but here we are with a freeze warning tonight, mid-April!)  Anyway, scalping removes all the old dead junk that’s been on your lawn all winter and allows the soil to warm up faster so your bermuda  greens up faster.  It also prevents thatch buildup and gives your bermuda a good, healthy start for the summer

To scalp your lawn

simply put your mower on its lowest setting, mow the lawn, and bag the clippings.

If you don’t want to scalp your bermuda lawn yet, at least mow it

 Many times, after people have gotten their pre and post-emergent weed control application, they call us to come back because the weeds didn’t die.  Most of the time, the weeds are dead – they just need to be mowed off.  The weeds won’t turn brown and die like they do in the heat of summer!  Even if you didn’t get a lawn application, don’t let all those spring weeds go to seed on your lawn!  Besides, mowing keeps your lawn healthy, and a thick, healthy lawn will be less likely to experience weed breakouts.  See our mowing guide.

DO NOT scalp your fescue lawn

but do try to keep the leaves off of it.  The more sunlight it gets in this cooler weather before the leaves are fully back on the trees, the more food it can store to stay healthy through the long, hot summer.  Read more about fescue lawns.

We’ve seen a lot of poa annua this spring

 Poa annua is an annual winter grassy weed.  As soon as the temperatures rise, the poa annua will die.  We put down a pre-emergent for poa annua in the fall, but it won’t work in the spring.  And if you have poa annua in your fescue grass, we can’t treat it at all right now. If you do have a lot of poa annua, bag your clippings when you mow over it, because it can put out thousands of seeds in a very short time, and you don’t want them all over your lawn.  As for the poa annua that’s there now… as soon as the temperatures rise, it will die.  Read more about poa annua

If you have any problems with your Tulsa area lawn

 shoot us an email, or give us a call, and we’ll be happy to help you!  If you aren’t a customer yet and would like to get an almost-instant free estimate over the phone, click here!